Military Record

Charles Frederick Dutton

11.09.1914 Attested
Age:33 years
Born: Eton, Bucks
Trade: Butler
Regiment: King's Royal Rifle Corp
Regimental No. R 4190
20.01.1915 Appointed Lance Corporal
22.07.1915 Promoted to Corporal
07.03.1916 Promoted to Sergeant
05.04.1919 Demob.
Next of Kin: Stanhope Dutton, 8 Maiden Lane, Strand
Wife: Stanhope Mandeville-Spinster
Married: Southwark Registry Office, 21.05.1904
Witnesses: Philip Clark; Julia Dutton
Child: Charles Maynard b. 10.06.1908 Southwark