1911 Census

20 Kingston Street, Walworth

Name Relation to head Age Marital status Years married No. of children Children alive Children dead Occupation Employed or Own A/c Where born
William Hackett Head 48 Married Firewood Chopper & Seller Employed Shoreham, Kent
Anne Marie Hackett Wife 58 Married 27 5 3 2 St.Pancras, London
William David Hackett Son 23 Single Railway caller off parcels Employed St. Pancras
Mary Ann Hackett Dau 22 Single Tie making slip stitcher Employed Sth. Tottenham
George Hackett Son 20 Single Firewood chopper & seller Employed Sth. Tottenham
Gertrude Curtin Boarder 20 Single Tie making Presser Employed Peckham, Surrey