1911 Census

168 Pullen Buildings, Amelia Street, Newington

Name Relation to head Age Marital status Years married No. of children Children alive Children dead Occupation Employed or Own A/c Where born
Arthur Hotine Head 41 Married Blacksmiths Striker Employed London, Bethnall Green
Julia Ellen Hotine Wife 32 Married 9 3 3 0 London, Peckham
Edwin Alfred Hotine Son 8 London, Camberwell
Julia Louisa Hotine Daughter 5 London, Camberwell
Mary Ann Jessey Hotine Daughter 2 London, Camberwell
Mary Ann Goater Visitor 68 Widow Surrey, Wandsworth
Louisa Goater Visitor 27 Single Domestic Servant Employed London, Peckham