1911 Census

35 Bowyer Street, Camberwell

Name Relation to head Age Marital status Years married No. of children Children alive Children dead Occupation Employed or Own A/c Where born
Harry Malyon Head 42 Married Carman Employed Camberwell, London
Annie Malyon Wife 42 Married 22 10 8 2 Camberwell, London
James Malyon Son 20 Single Laundry Boy Employed Camberwell, London
Annie Malyon Daughter 17 Single Dressmaker Employed Camberwell, London
Charlie Malyon Son 12 School Camberwell, London
Percival Malyon Son 10 School Camberwell, London
Daniel Malyon Son 8 School Camberwell, London
Alfred Malyon Son 2 Camberwell, London