
Last Will & Testament of Michael Mandeville

the said Jane Elliott unto my son Robert Mandeville his heirs Exors Adminors and assigns for ever and I so hereby give devise and bequeath
to the said Jane Elliott and her assigns for and during her natural life one Annuity or clear yearly Rent or Sum of fifty pounds of
lawful money of Great Britain free and clear of and from all taxes and deductions whatsoever parliamentary or otherwise the said annuity
to be chargeable and charged on and issuing and payable out of my messuages or tenements and premises situate and being in Long Lane
in the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County of Surrey lately purchased by me of Messrs Sizett and to be paid and
payable by him the said Robert Mandeville by four even and equal payments that is to say on the feast days of the annunciation of the
blessed Virgin Mary the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Saint Michael the Archangel and the birth of our Lord Christ in every year
the first payment thereof to begin and be made on the same feasts as shall first and next happen after the decease of my said Wife Stanhope
Mandeville and I so hereby charge and subject the same last mentioned messuages or tenements and premises to and with the payment of the
said annuity yearly rent or Sum of fifty pounds accordingly and it is my will and desire that in case the said annuity or yearly rent or
Sum of fifty pounds or any part thereof shall at any time during the life of the said Jane Elliott be behind or unpaid by the space of twenty
days next over or after any or either of the aforesaid feasts or days of payment whereon the same is hereinafter ? to be paid as aforesaid
being lawfully demanded that then and so often it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Jane Elliott and her assigns to enter upon the said
messuages or tenements and premises hereby charged with the said annuity as aforesaid and to distrain for the same annuity or for
so much thereof as shall be so in arrear and the distress or distresses then and there found to retain and keep until she shall
be fully paid and satisfied all such arrears of the said annuity with the costs and charges in and about the making and keeping
the said distress for the same and in case the said annuity or any part thereof shall behind or unpaid for the space of forty days
next any of said days of payment wherein the same ought to be paid as aforesaid that then and so often it shall and may be
lawful for the said Jane Elliott and her assigns to enter into and enjoy all and singular the premises hereby charged with the annuity